Game Closet

About the Developer Team


Noah was born in Maryland and spent much of his young life there or traveling. He moved to Seattle in 2013. Noah has been dabbling with code for about a year. He identifies as a dragon and his spirit animal is a black panther.

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Shelley is a board and video game fanatic. Her favorite games are Taboo and Exploding Kittens. Retro video games are her true gaming passion though, and she is the current reigning Gallega champion of her building machine.

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An avid collector and player of games, and one time Risk champion, Carrie brought her years of gaming experience to the board. Her ruthless navigation and execution of strategy assured that team pixel perfect 2.0 made it home safely.

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Adrienne graduated from Washington State University in 2013 and has been toying around with HTML/ CSS since summer of 2015. In her free time she likes to lift all the things and eat all the things, and now code all the things!

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